قسم نقاشات المانجا قسم يَختصُّ بالنقاش عن المانجا والسبويلرات |
![]() السلام عليكم سبويلر هانتر x هانتر 362 Hunter x Hunter Chapter 362 Spoilers Chapter 362 Resolve Text: Bloody Journey Bill: "The troublesome characteristics of the Parasite type... is that you can't predict its movements Parasite types is the result of someone's residual Nen possessing its host. In many cases, it draws on its host's power to materialize. Also humans are not creatures that are exactly the same to each other. The Parasite types grow up using their hosts' emotions and someone else's emotions, which gets mixed up and results in them becoming very complicating creatures. Oito: "..." Kurapika: Is there a possibility of the princes not wanting to participate in this fight, depending on their personality? Oito: "Of course, there are princes that don't like these conflicts," "But the first 5 princes are... they don't have such a thing in mind" Kurapika: "So, the real war begins as soon as all princes return from the ceremony then...!" Tubeppa: "Wanna team up? You and me" Tserriednich: "Getting right to it, I see" Tubeppa: "Simple is best" "Tyson, Luzurus, and Sale-Sale do not have the ambition, and on top of that Halkenburg isn't participating" "The princes below and including Kacho are too young and don't have any political power" "So it really comes down to the survival of the top 5 princes... And the top 3 are way too ugly" Tubeppa: "The Arrogant Benjamin" "The Greedy Camilla" "The Wasteful Zhang Lei" They shall be purged. Tserriednich:"Agreed" Tubeppa: "Alright then, I'll see you next sunday" Tserriednich: "Yes..." (If you are still alive...) As the two depart, their backs began to manifest Nen beasts. Tubeppa's beast is a frog with car wheels as its feet. Tserriednich's is a horse with a human face. Hui Guo Rou (There are rules to the guardian beasts born from the Pot) 1) The beasts do not kill each other 2) The beasts do not directly attack the other possessed Nen beast hosts. The Autonomous instincts of the Nen Beasts to protect the Future King...! The ones that have no desire to fight will eventually perish hoi. The same goes for humans too! It is absolutely necessary to plan for political war and military power! Leaders that are ahead of everybody else are the true leaders!) (It's the era of the powerful!) (Our country used to be so small that it was an easy target for other countries , but our great ancestor created the vase. And he compared his own country to the vessel and directed his descendants to fight for unification and created this big country that exists now hoi!) (This is the destiny of the Hui Guo Rou family!) (Use the 200k people that are on the ark and sacrifice them to open up your own way!) On Benjamin, Camilla, and Zhang Lei's back, there are Nen beasts. Benjamin's nen beast looks like an Allien. Camilla's one looks like a plant? Zhang Lei's one looks like a pot gong that is burning. Nasubi: Until the last blessed one is remaining..! Tserriednich's guards are outside of the venue and have a meeting. Guard 1: How do we explain it the prince? Guard 2: There is a nen beast that cannot be seen by normal humans possessing you, so please don't leave the room...should do it, right? Guard 1: All yours explanations are no good... words like "normal human" are words that you can't say to a prince... "Can't see" also brings out the idea that it's you who cannot see, so we can't say that. Nen beasts provoke and pique the curiosity of their hosts, so if you say that he cannot leave the room then he will leave the room no matter what. Guard 2: I can't do it. I'' leave it to you then. Guard 1: Once we explain the situation to him, he will definitely ask us about Nen. And once we explain it to him, he then wants to obtain that ability. Guard 2: It's only the two of us that can use Nen, so maybe tell him that it is something you have to be born with? Guard 1 is amazed by the things Guard 2 says. Guard 2: What? Guard 1: I am jealous of you. Guard 2: Hey! Even I can see that you're making fun of me! Guard 1: All of the princes' guards know about the information that the Nen Beasts are parasite types. We can't just avoid talking about it to the prince. Guard 2: Huh? That's why we can say at that moment that nen is something you have to be born with! Guard 1: All princes! Do you seriously think the other guards will give a random explanation to their princes? Guard 1: When it comes to Tserriednich Sama, he would use all his powers to find more about this mysterious ability! The other princes too. By saying idiotic lies, he will find out the truth soon and then we will be in huge trouble! Guard 2: So you are trying to say that we cannot avoid the situation where the princes want to acquire nen. Guard 1: YES!!! Guard 2: What are you angry about? Guard 1: Because I want the discussion to move on! Guard 2: Then you can teach him how to use Nen. Then you can mediate him better. Guard 1: ! Guard 2:The one thing you are concerned about the prince is the potential of him being a true evil, right? Once you give that guy...(Ah don't tell him that I called him that guy)...Nen Ability then what is going to happen then? Announcer: The prince is leaving. Guard 2: If we can't avoid teaching the prince how to use Nen, then we have to teach him an useless ability and limit his nen potentials as much as possible, right? Tserriednich is talking to his servants. Tserriednich: Can you tell me more about it? So can you call all the guards? Servant: Yes, sir. Guard 2: And after that, the prince is going to ask us if anyone here can use nen, right? And after you raise your hands, we naturally get to that point... Both are getting a call: All the guards please gather to Area 4! Guard 2: Here it is. Your explanations were a bit extreme but I think you can do it. And once we break down the training into few pieces, then we can also buy a bit of time. I know that you don't think it's the best way to handle it. But you also know it's the only way to deal with it for now. It's also better that you teachthe prince about nen than the prince learning it from someone else. So youhave to guide him and educate him so he can move towards the right direction. I can assure you. On this ship, Theta, you are the best suited for this role. Theta: You sure are sneaky. Guard 2: But listen. Do you seriously think I could do it? Theta: Haaa...I really am jealous of you. Guard 2: Ohh! That one was your honest opinion, right? Theta: Shut up! (But it's exactly as Sarukofu says. I have to do it. Sorrow only creates a more evil Nen. If the other princes have acquire Nen and use that power to attack Tserriednich sama, then as a result his ability will wake up...Even thinking that Tserriednich Sama could acquire Nen in that way makes me tremble...I am the only one who can stop that...! ) Both of them return to the venue, and Sarukofu finds something. Sarukofu: Theta don't look at it! But Theta made eye contact. Scene switches to Luzurus' room: Basho and the other guards are explaining about the Nen Beasts. [I can't really explain it well but his Nen Beasts looks like a penis and at the top of it there are eyes and a mouth attached on it] Luzurus: I see. So behind my back there is a Nen Beast too and it's there to protect me but won't listen to my instructions. And acquiring this Nen ability will take time too? Basho: Yes. I would say it takes about a year to master it... Luzurus: Then it's pointless. As we discussed before, we will side with Tubeppa for now. Due to a weird power interfering, everybody will be slowed down. If my older siblings and their guards do not about Nen then we will be in an advantage. You guys from the association need to take shifts and always be by my side. And once you see a different nen beast, make sure to keep me informed. Tyson's room: Tyson: If the ceremony is the reason, then all the other princes are possessed by nen beasts too, right? I assume that my nen beast looks like an angel, right? Izunavi: Ahh...It looks more like...a...fairy... Tyson: Oh myyyy I didn't think of a fairy! Bulls eye! You're right, a fairy is more like me anyway! Izunavi has a nervous expression on his face. On Tyson's head, there is a nen beast (It's not fully shown what it is) that is giving birth to multiple geckos. Izunavi: (What is this thing that is giving birth to them?) Tyson: (I am sure that my fairy will be giving love to all the people on this ship) Sale Sale's room: His nen beasts is a sphere with multiple mouths on it. Women wearing swimsuits are dancing. Sale Sale who is naked: Hyaaahaha! It's awesome it's awesome! Everybody is in a good mood! Hey? Hey? Heyheyheyheyhey! Sala Sale: To hell with you succession fight! Yaaaaay! Halkenburg's room: The guards are all dead. Halkenburg: What is this? What is happening here! Theta again: Tserriednich's nen beast is directly staring at Theta's eyes, and she desperately tries to avoid the eye contact. Tserriednich: Yooooo! Our trump card is here. You heard the news, right? Nobody here knows about this word.Nen beasts? Or do you guys actually know about it? Theta: (I was...naive.) The Nen beast opens up his mouth and inside there is another face showing itself. It has a huge tongue and has an eyeball on it. And the eyeball on the tongue is observing Theta. Theta: (He is the type of human that must not master Nen. ) Theta: Yes. It's a word that relates to a special ability. Tserriednich: Oh! I didn't expect any less from you, Theta chan! Can you actually use that power? Theta: (I have to do it..!) Yes. I can use it. Source : Tieba/ 2ch translated by: BakaData --------- عنوان الفصل: عزم / اصرار ![]() ![]() ![]()
![]() ــــــــ سبحـان اللـﮧ وبحـمده, سبح‘ـان اللـﮧ العظيم ـــــــــ ![]() التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة αвɒєєʟнαĸ ; 06-29-2017 الساعة 01:30 AM |
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الذين يشاهدون محتوى الموضوع الآن : 1 ( الأعضاء 0 والزوار 1) | |
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الموضوع | كاتب الموضوع | المنتدى | مشاركات | آخر مشاركة |
سبويلر هانتر x هانتر 361 || Hunter x Hunter 361 Spoiler | αвɒєєʟнαĸ | قسم نقاشات المانجا | 2 | 06-24-2017 01:55 AM |
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#انطباع و#مراجعة هانتر×هانتر الحلقة 143 Hunter x Hunter Episode 143 | Review | kopisa | قسم تقارير الأنمي | 1 | 08-21-2014 03:01 PM |
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